Welcome to Real Life Christian Communities

Experiencing real life in Christ together with others

Who We Are

Real Life Christian Communities (RLCC) is a fellowship of Christian Communities located in various places but united under one vision frame, one set of values, and one set of distinctive biblical beliefs.

RLCC was planted by five couples and their families (from left to right: Edwin and Pastora Marifi Gumatay, Pastor Bong and Pastora Gina Baylon, Tess and Terry Reyes, Maret and Reynald Saron, Josephine and Mojet Tolentino) . The church was incorporated in 1998 through the Securities Exchange Commission.

Our story began with just a simple church meeting in different places between 1995 and 1996. At first, we didn't know where the Lord was leading us. But we were sure that God had a wonderful plan for us. So, we prayed and waited, studying God's word together, patiently seeking God's guidance. Finally, the Lord led us to San Pedro, Laguna. Only one couple lived in San Pedro at that time but we sensed the Lord impressing upon us that this is the place where we must start the work of the Lord. After much prayer and fasting, we finally decided to start Real Life Christian Communities or RLCC in San Pedro, Laguna. Eventually, the rest of the founding couples transferred to San Pedro, Laguna by faith to grow the church.

On December 21, 1997, we held our first public worship service on the top floor of Tayao Building, located near the Municipal Hall of San Pedro. Today, we have our worship services and other activities at the Hope Center, Esperanza Building, No. 233 Pacita Ave., San Vicente, San Pedro, 4023 Laguna, Philippines. This is our current meeting place. Click here for directions. We have two worship service schedules: 9 AM (Tagalog) and 11 AM (Taglish). Our 11 AM service is also streamed on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and LinkedIn. Click here to attend online.

When you come, we hope that you will experience the following:

  • Relevant biblical preaching
  • Enriching worship
  • Atmosphere of love and acceptance
  • Lots of opportunities to grow and serve the Lord

Just remember the acrostic R.E.A.L.! See you soon.

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Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to help everyone experience real life in Christ together with others in Christian community. Our vision is to become a community of Christian communities where the presence, power, and purpose of Christ are being fulfilled in and through each one.

Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10)

Our Vision Frame

Our Vision Frame is composed of four important categories that define who we are and what we do. This includes our Mission, our Method, our Marks of Success, and our Motivations.

Our mission is to help each one experience real life in Christ together with others in Christian community. We define real life in Christ as living with God for others, which is the kind of life that God intends for all of us to experience. It’s a life characterized by love for God as well as love for others, which can only come from a transformed and transforming heart. (See Matthew 22:34-40) A Christian Community is a small or medium-sized group of disciples of Jesus Christ (from 5 to 25 people, but not too many) where the presence, power, and purpose of Christ are being fulfilled in and through each one in the context of their actual lives in the real world.

Our overall method is called “communityship,” which is the process of creating Christian Communities through committed spiritual leaders and members using the word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. This process involves three ongoing activities: Discipleship, Nurturing Relationships, and Apostolic Mission. This is the DNA of RLCC!

Our marks of success are as follows. We can know if we are succeeding if we can see an increasing number of people from various sectors of society experiencing real life in Christ together with others in various Christian Communities located in various places. Discipleship is about teaching people how to follow Jesus daily with others. Nurturing Relationships is all about teaching them how to initiate, grow, maintain, and deepen life-giving relationships with one another and in their families to create environments for spiritual transformation. Apostolic Mission is all about teaching people how to use their spiritual gifts and talents to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. (See Acts 2:42-47)

We are motivated by one common set of motivations. First of all, we are motivated by Faith in the Gospel. The Gospel or Good News is this: Through faith in Jesus Christ alone, anyone can experience a life that is so much better than the best life this world can ever offer. Second, we are motivated by Hope in the New Creation. It starts now through the work of the Holy Spirit in and through His people and in the church, but it will one day climax in the creation of a new heaven and new earth. Last but not least, we are motivated by Love for God and Others. This love comes from God, first of all. But because of this love, we are motivated to love God and others as well. (See 1 John 4:7-12)

Our Values

We are united by one set of values. Those who would like to join us and serve the Lord together with us must understand and embrace these values.

  • Christ and His kingdom will always be our priority.
  • Obedience to His word will always be our goal.
  • Maintaining sacred rhythms will always be a prerequisite for leadership.
  • Making time for shared spiritual experiences will always be our preference.
  • Utilizing discernment will always be our approach to decision-making.
  • Noticing God's movements and initiatives will always be our practice.
  • Inviting openness and transparency will always be our means of accountability.
  • Taking God’s word as the basis of truth will always be our guide.
  • Yielding to God's sovereignty will always be our source of comfort.

Our Beliefs

The acrostic B.E.L.I.E.F.S. summarizes our main convictions as a church.

The Bible will always be the primary word of God to all mankind. God speaks to us primarily through the Bible, which is holy, inspired, and without errors in the original manuscripts. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) However, He also uses various means to communicate with us today. (Hebrews 1:1-4). However, everything must be judged according to the clear teachings of the word of God, which is always the Bible, the basis for every truth and practice.

Everyone should be saved entirely. Everyone has fallen short of the glory of God in all aspects of their being. (Romans 3:23) Therefore everyone needs to be thoroughly saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-10). This includes reconciliation with God, union with Christ, transformation by the Holy Spirit, mission with God's people, and resurrection and restoration of all creation. This entire salvation begins right now and involves all aspects of one's being until it is completed in the new heaven and new earth. (1 Peter 1:3-9; Revelation 21:1-8)

The Lordship of Jesus Christ must be acknowledged by everyone in order to be saved. Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). Therefore, He is both Lord and Savior of all mankind. (Acts 2:36) Everyone must believe in Him and follow Him as Lord and Savior through repentance and complete surrender. (Acts 2:37-39)

The Image of God remains as our purpose here on earth. Mankind was created in the image of God, which means his purpose is to represent God here on earth. Therefore, we can only glorify God if we represent Him faithfully and fruitfully. (Genesis 1:26-27) Because of sin, and apart from salvation, this cannot be done (Ephesians 4:20-24). Therefore, only through spiritual transformation can this be done, and it is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-10; 2 Corinthians 3:18)

The End of All Things is just the beginning of the new creation (Revelation 21:1-8). Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead. (Revelation 20:11-15) He will also come again to usher a new heaven and a new earth, where everything will be new and there will be no more suffering and death (1 Corinthians 15:50-58; Romans 8:18-25).

Filling and fullness of the Holy Spirit is the first gift given to those who believe. It is also a continuing gift promised to all those who will believe and continue to believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (Acts 2:38-39; Ephesians 3:19, 5:18) Also, receiving this gift for the first has a definite beginning, and it is a personal experience that can be verified both by the person receiving the gift and by others. (Acts 19:1-2)

Spiritual transformation is the process and goal of true discipleship. God wants every Christian to be transformed into the image of His Son Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:17-23; Colossians 3:1-11, 1:15). Therefore, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, one must cooperate with this process, which is accomplished through the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life through the word of God, and also together with other believers in a community of faith. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42-47)

Our Strategy

Our strategy is called "communityship". This is a seven-step process done in and through a community of faith.

We GO and build connections with all kinds of people through various means such as events, outreaches, and even online tools.

We BRING people to Jesus Christ by helping them understand the Gospel so that they can decide to follow Him together with others.

We JOIN followers of Christ into our communities so that they can experience the presence, power, and purpose of Christ in and through each one. 

We BUILD each person’s faith so that they can grow and become mature in Christ together with others.

We SPOT those who are faithful in their soul-keeping practices and mobilize them for various works of ministry.

We TRAIN those who are faithful and fruitful in their ministry so that they can lead others to become like them also.

 We ASSIGN or SEND out faithful and fruitful leaders to start new ministries to fulfill their grander vision either inside or outside the church.

Our Rubrics

As we guide people through their journey, we look for the following as signs of growth and development.

Our members are growing in their love for the word of God, the worship of God and prayer, and also for the people of God in RLCC. 

Our members are identifying themselves as actual members of RLCC, becoming part of its life and ministry over time. 

Our members are finding their true worth or value not in external things, other people, or the things of this world, but in Christ alone. 

Our members are prioritizing life-giving relationships in their families, in their small groups, in RLCC as a whole, and with the lost.

Our members are learning to manage (or steward) their time, talents, and treasures to honor and worship God. 

Our members are now serving God by actually ministering to people's felt and real needs according to their gifts and talents, not just performing tasks. 

Our members are becoming faithful and fruitful spiritual leaders who can live, love, and lead like Jesus wherever they are.

Our Expectations

We hope that as people join us, they will fulfill the following expectations.

  • Prioritize and participate
  • Reach out to others
  • Obtain adequate training
  • Maintain godliness and holiness
  • Invest in God's kingdom through giving
  • Serve in the ministry together with others
  • Encourage others to fulfill these expectations

Our Pastoral Staff

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